
Sleep Deprivation

High performance delivered, IF you are sleeping enough. Many things went wrong this week, I left the custom made ice pack in London, had to ask them to mail it back to me; same with the Madela pump charger in St. Charles, it is also in the mail, will see which one gets to me first; Spilled the milk in the bathroom during flight from NY to SFO; and flushed the toilet during the contractor drug test when the staff told me not to just 5 seconds ago. Worst is I had to wait for another hour to collect the sample and chugged down what feels like gallons of water. All due to sleep deprivation induced lost of concentration!

They speculated that the Northwest flight pilots who over shot the destination by 150 miles were sleeping at the wheels. Although the official explanation now is that they were on their laptop. I find the sleep deprivation story to be a bit more believable, I am there. The frequent time zone changes, the 4 hour cycles of pumping, and taxing work schedules. I tell myself to really learn to nap, anytime, anywhere. This is the only to pace myself and cope with the new life.

Spent lots of time with Ellie today, took her out on a stroller to my daily hiking trail. She had her eyes wide open all the way, staring at the blue sky, green trees, squires, soccer fields and kids playing in the park. All very fascinating to this little person. We then took a big nap together before lunch, daddy made nice lunch and called us downstairs when everything was ready. Way to go to spend a relaxing Saturday.

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