
Holidays are here

Ellie is a busy social flower now, we had friends over for Sunday brunch last weekend and this weekend Ellie made her first trip to San Francisco attending a friend's b-day. All the toddlers at the party were mesmerized by this little baby and of course wanted to touch Ellie, only to be told by their parents they can only touch Ellie's feet. Nice, princess treatment.

I took Ellie on a shopping spree today, breaking my own promise that I won't take her shopping before she is 6 months old. But we went to Standford shopping mall and I figure as long as we stay in the open space we should be fine. She was fascinated as usual by the shopping, jingle bell music and the people and the noises they make. When we came home she was completely wiped out and went to sleep right away. Too much stimulation for the day I guess.

I had an interesting week, Monday and Tuesday in New York, had a nice sushi lunch on Tuesday, and brain stormed very good ideas for the next phase of work. Yum. Spent Wed and Thursday in Denver, had a few productive meetings. My client interestingly had only $25 as travel budget this quarter, so I took him for a free coffee on me on Wed, but Thursday he ordered working lunch for us out of his own pocket. Denver is too cold, already had a 5 inch snow. As much I like the city, the weather is too harsh. We keep our house at 72 degree constant, day and night, for the baby. I reminded Dan when I grew up I had no new clothes, no toys and no heater, freezing my butt off every winter and clinging to my sister for warmth, and hated to go to bed because it is too cold to get under the covers. Mom used the warm water bottles to warm us up.

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