

Doctor said Ellie is not gaining weight as much as he would like, we then went on a mission to solve this problem. Fengureek was the first solution, my milk supply went up at least 50% 24 hours later taking the first two capsules. And as a side effect, I start to smell like maple syrup, not too bad of a side effect I think.

We also changed the way we feed Ellie -we were more encouraging her to sleep while using feeding as a method, now we encourage her to feed as much as she can, whether she would then fall asleep or not. Amazingly (perhaps not so to an experienced mother), she falls asleep much easily now she is full. A true testimony of "man don't like go to bed hungry".

The third measure is we are not sticking to the PDF "Parent Directed Feeding" philosophy as much as we were before, not that we were that strict then, but now, we feed her on demand, even if it has been less than an hour since her last feeding.

I never know I could be so obsessed about milk supply, poop color, diaper weight and size, and courting oz es, but these details are filling up my life and I enjoy it.

Ellie got a TON of gifts from her grandma today. Grandparents drove all the way from Alabama and took a full trunk worth of baby stuff with them - music boxes, baby dulls with big feet and toes, Cinderella blanket, clothes and hair pin that range from 3-6 months to 2 year old....hope Ellie will have good hair to enjoy them soon. And they even brought a set of children's furniture with them - playing table, floor mat, toy refrigerator, cabinet, and books and baby Einstein DVDs. They say one's house will start to explode with stuff as soon as one has a baby, it is so true!

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