
Carry On

Yesterday while Ellie and I went out to take a little walk around the block, we saw the neighbor lady with her twin boys zipping home. Jean rolled down the window and the boys waved enthusiastically at Ellie. Jean's husband was laid off last year from his job, what rocked the neighborhood was that he went on to kill the CEO and the head of HR of his company, ran in exile and then was caught one day later in a nearby gas station. Now he is in jail waiting for prosecution. The victim's family decided not to press death penalty charges, but staying in prison for a long time is unavoidable.

I have not seen Jean much since that incident. Folks on the street said she was of course devastated, left with the twin boys and a 2 year old young baby boy. She was getting a bit of help from friends and neighbors around, but I can't imagine what her days were like. She sent her three boys back to China so she can cope with the new reality alone for a while.

The Jean I saw yesterday was a calm, caring and loving mom. She chased after her twin boys who went on giggling and playing on the street, she wore a nice dress and her hair was nicely done, in a much better shape than mine, who can still hang on to the new mom excuse. She touched Ellie's little feet and amazed as how tiny she is. Through Jean, I saw the true quality of bravery, love and motherhood. Life happens, it is not about what cards you were dealt with, it is about how you play them. Jean, a small built women who I have not spoken with for more than 20 min in the past 5 years, suddenly taught me a valuable lesson, make the best of the worst situation and carry on with one's lives.

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