
Surprise Party

Yesterday Ellie attended her very first surprise party, for Teresa, the nice lady across the street. Her husband Jim was trying to set it up a few weeks ago but she got the flu so everything had to be postponed. There were at least 30 people hiding quietly in the club house when Teresa innocently walked in with her husband and family, we all screamed "surprise", she looked genuinely surprised. Ellie was not too startled, she was busy soaking up all the information around her, the balloons, kids noise, adults chit chatting, swimming pool, everyone walked by giving her big smiling faces...

Ellie is trying to lift her head up more, we would hold her body and give her chances to practice her neck muscles, she seems to enjoy this exercise, her head would turn around and around non-stop, as if amazed at all the stuff around and trying to interpret what's what.

She slept 5 hours last night, a huge milestone. Dan and I are happy.

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