

What does Up, MSN, George Tiller have in common?

They all have a very good plot/story/Intention, but somehow failed in the middle of their endeavor to that ultimate success. Up is about motivation, adventure but a bit too violant for children who have been attracted to it due to balloons and 3D effects; MSN consumed billions of dollars of shareholder investment and falls far behond rival Google; George Tiller believes in helping to stop unintended pregnancy but was shot dead in front of his church.

World is full of unintended but well meaning endeavors. Sustainability certaintly has more and more of the attention from all corners of the world, even China and India are devoting investments into cleaning up their pollution at the expense of rapid industrial expansion. I wonder what makes these efforts "successful" is not really the end outcome that are measured by their original targets, but it is the story, the journey and the people that are influenced/touched along the way that makes these efforts memoriable and enduring.

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