
Missing Ellie

Dan said Ellie was fussy all day and only had 20 oz worth of milk. Not knowing what's bothering her and not being able to be there to help Dan out just broke my heart. Chatted with a few working moms at the firm and sharing the day to day struggle of work life balance actually provides a better perspective for me, knowing that I am not alone and we are doing the best we could for the little baby.


First tooth

Ellie's first tooth came out on Jan 3rd, 2010. And Ellie took the first bite of solid food on Jan 4th, 2010, well maybe not too solid, it was one little bit of pureed banana. And she visited Ranch 99 for the first time on Jan 10th. Daddy was very happy, in fact, too happy, he bought 5 baby spoons and 2 cans of baby carrot puree. The spoon is designed very nicely - the tip would turn white if the temperature of the food is over 41 degree, so that baby doesn't get accidentally burned. Oh well, baby deserves only the best of course.

Vancouver Border Control

Vancouver was one of the first airports to announce that they will hand search each carry on luggage after the attempted Chrismas bombing. But when I turned up at the airport, the situation turned out to be much worse: they have enforced zero carry on luggage policy. Thousands of men and women carried their laptops in their hand, or throw the little things like lip stick, cell phone, chewing gum, whatever, into a plastic bag since they won't fit into human being's two hands any more. They don't know how long this policy will be enforced, perhaps throughout Feb during the Olympics. Everyone was very grumpy, but there seems to be nothing anyone can do about it. I wonder what's the limit that the public has to pay as a consequence for something one individual has done.

Wall Street is announcing record breaking bonus this year due to the astronomical performance the stock market has been through in 2009. While this is a free capitalistic system, they would not have the basis to enjoy the market performance if it were not because of the government bail out, which of course came from main street. Again, what's the limit that the public has to pay to ensure the interest of individual institution or individuals have be to protected, all in the name of the entire financial system.


Happy New Year 2010

We woke up at 6:30 this morning to welcome the new year and the new decade. Oops, then I realized that we missed watching the blue moon last night, it only happens every 2.5 years and for blue moon to happy on the new year, it is even more rare, some thing like every 19 years. Oh well, Ellie will be able to appreciate it more next time. Plus the weather was not ideal last night, very cloudy and rainy, blah blah, now I am just making excuses for not diligent enough to watch it.

I gave Ellie a bubble bath, pleased to find out that her Eczema is getting better, thanks for the A&D ointment and Hypo-Allergenic detergent we have been using. We are getting ready to go to friends for pot roast tonight, will bring along a bottle of Chandon Moet to celebrate the arrival of the new decade.